Sunday 8 June 2008

And once again, the blather gets short shrift

I was going to say that the blog gets short shrift, but really it hasn't. I've been playing around with things in the background (and posting on the other blog) for a little while, and now I'm not in blather mode.

Just as well. I seem to be having one of those typing days where every second letter disappears into the ether. Or wherever letters that you could swear you contacted but never show up on screen go, that is.

So, one of the background things I was playing around with was to change my blog list to Blogger's new blog roll format. You'll see it over on the sidebar. If it's too annoying to see the latest post titles, let me know. I can change it.

As well, if you are one of my two fans, actually read this blog, and would like me to add you blog to the list, tell me. I don't mind giving extra publicity if I know you want it.

Anyway. I really don't have anything, so I don't think I'll force it today. Check the old blog if you want to see my lame doodle for Drawing Day (which was yesterday. A day late and a dollar short as usual), and remember that my appearances here in the next week might be a bit... non-appearance-y.

And notice how I didn't give any snotty hints to the Toronto office today. I'm good that way.

If I choose to be.

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