Friday 20 June 2008

Pointless iris photo of the day:

I hope the different colour wasn't too much of a shock for anyone.


I really don't know what to do with the blather today. I had thoughts yesterday, but today I decided to have a headache instead. One of those annoying headaches that start juuust after you're nicely awake, so you're teased with a few minutes of feeling all right when you first get up and then whammed with the reality of the situation when you actually try to do anything.

Things like that tend to make me cranky, you know.

And if the Toronto office starts making vaguely Greek-wedding-sounding noises in the background, ignore her. It did NOT get that far, no matter what she might tell you.


The acetaminophen kicked in about halfway through the morning, thank goodness, but I'm still feeling off my game.

Whatever my game is.

I'm thinking that at the moment my game should probably be to get back to work...

Yeah, the type until something resembling a topic approach to blogging doesn't seem to be doing much, so I think we've probably hit the you say tomato, I say tomahto point of this pointless post.

And yes, I do know that I've misquoted the song. I just don't care.


Oh, go and watch the clip already.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

i love the flower i so wish things like that would grow here

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