Friday 13 June 2008

If you build it, they will come

Well okay I didn't exactly build the feeder. I did get in the car, drive to the store, etc etc....

And here you see what I am actively seeking to have hang around in my yards this summer; and here you see one (actually two but one is on the other side of the feedbag) of the only critters that's caught on to that fact. The bird I mean, yes. I don't just mean to have the feeders hang around.

Now, I've since bought - yes I am just that wealthy - an "upside down finch feeder". Once you get by the question of whether the feeder is upside down or the birds in question are just odd, it's a nifty idea.

Finches - and I'm told nuthatches - stand on their heads to fill their stomachs. So, though knowing this is going to cause quite a stir and have you all in a dither, I have photos of that as well.

But you'll just have to wait for those. We start out small at times, you see.

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