Sunday 15 June 2008

Upside-down to whom

Yes, it really does work. You'd think there are people out there, manufacturers even, who know more than I do about these things. Well, okay, there are a triple-gazillion people out there who, etc.

And if you question the different slant on things, you can indeed see the silver cap at the top of the page which indicates the hungry bird is indeed on his head to feed.

I'd say within ten minutes of putting this one up, I had two finches begin the feast. What has always intrigued me - and yes I really mean that - is how do they KNOW it's fresh meat, as it were.

The same thing happens when I fill my birdbath. They ... just ... know.

Rather than have you roll your eyes in anticipation of seeing nothing but bird feeders in the coming days, I'll post the second one now. You're welcome.

Oh c'mon. It was nice of him to turn and give us an up-close-and-personal viewing of his being. I know I'd never do that.

Oh and we can all see the obvious, can't we and we won't rag on the writer for it either, that the birds I seek to attract are, yep, yellow.

I did see a pair of purple finches the other day which of course aren't really all that purple.

Oh, look. I'm blathering. My job here, then, is done.

Do I need to clarify that the feeder is photographed with the maple behind? Nah, the delineation of the clear plastic on the right side should be good enough. So I won't type this in then.

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