Well, I'm back. Sort of. I'm dealing with a cold (thought I might have escaped the usual spring working-with-school-kids cold this year, but no such luck) and I've just spent far too long uploading and playing with the photos that have been building up on the camera.
Many of which you won't see unless you know where to find the work blog, by the way. And no guarantees that you'll see them even then. Just depends on my mood on Tuesday when I'm back at the office.
Anyway, I don't have a lot to say so I thought I'd give you a short pointless pictorial essay instead. Our first pointless photo features Max showing off his new trick of drinking out of the bird bath. And why has he decided to drink out of the bird bath? Well, that's what you have to do when your owner won't tie you up closer to the fish pond that you usually like to drink out of (I know, I know. But he likes the taste of fish water).
And why won't my father let Max near the fish pond? Not so much because of the fish, but because it gives him too much access to this:
No such problem this time around. So far so good, apparently. In fact, we're already getting the next sure sign that the swallows are planning to hang around. And yes, I do have a picture.
Come on, you had to know that I'd have a picture. It'd hardly be a pictorial essay if I didn't have a picture, now, would it? Ok, so here's the picture we've all been talking about. Or at least I've been talking about.
By now no one even wants to see the picture, I'd imagine.
Well, too bad. Here it is:
Use your own imagination there, I guess.
And hey, it makes a change from the ladybird porn you usually get on this blog.
I... wonder if maybe I shouldn't rethink the direction that the pointless photography occasionally takes here?
Nah. It's all good
Ah, leave me alone. I'm sick, remember? And you can take that as literally as you choose to.
I can't wait to see the search results in your counter now that you've posted the words "porn", "shot" and "swallow" in the same sentence.
Well, I have to amuse myself somehow...
All I have to say is that reading todd's comment made me practically trip over myself to access the blog.... and *I* know you, so yeh do let us know what sort of search words turn up.
Ya freak.
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