Saturday 28 June 2008

How very alliterative of me

The photo, yes.

Note that it was taken under certain weather conditions and that it was taken with the flash purposely tucked away. Oh m'gosh, we can be artistic when giving things half a thought ... or, you know, by happenstance; hence the disclaimer.

I didn't think you'd believe it was intentional but it was, darn it.

Just another quick observation for today: there comes a time in one's life, apparently, and I'm not quite sure when this corner was turned, when others decide to discuss intensely personal issues. I've lately learned of a husband's symptoms as he's beginning his journey through Alzheimers, heard about a financial set-back - in great detail mind - along with a few other things from various people.

I would prefer to be placed at the kid's table with no concerns, please, as these are neighbours who until recently have discussed only important issues like what I use to make the garden so full and bright; these are not people like the Alberta office with whom I happily discuss the deep meanings of Life - or, you know, what I use in the garden ....

Oh and a wee note to Mother Nature: a clap of thunder over the house at 5:45 a.m. that would compete with any sonic boom, can make a person ... cranky. I had my alarm set, you know.

That is all.


deeol said...

Went to hit the comment link to say "nice shot" but accidently hit the edit button and very nearly put "nice shot" in the body of the post instead.


Obviously, more sleep would be a good thing at some point, don't you think?

Can I send you a Max? He and I seem to have very different theories about sleep lately.

smudgers said...

Well that doesn't make me feel nearly as bad then; yesterday I was toying in the background, trying to understand how to put my album ---->over there as a photo link and nearly deleted yours when I went to see if there would be any tips on "how to".

You'll note it's still not there. Noooo, I backed quietly away after that scare.

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