Tuesday 10 June 2008

Not purple, not yellow

Not a lot of things, really. Not a toaster, either; nor a bar of soap.

As you can see my eye has caught the hues of the flowers along the way in the blog and yes, I am that rebellious to post something white. Of course at my age and stage, this is about as rebellious as it gets.

Do you know when I was younger, though, I'd have positively set you on your ear. Why, there was the time when ... oh, drat. The nuker just beeped at me to come get my very late dinner.

Another time, then.

Oh and yes the rebelliousness also leads to things with grey or purple stems and leaves as opposed to the every-day green things. My gosh, I am wild, aren't I.

1 comment:

deeol said...

You do know that the only things that bloom in early spring around here tend to be purple or yellow, right? And, truth be known, I could take or leave the yellow if I wasn't so desperate for ANYTHING that flowers by then.

I'll go look for some other colours on the weekend, if it would make you happy.

I do, of course, live to make you happy.

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