Very little blather from me today, I'm afraid, because it'll all head straight into the whinge zone. I have a headache that I've been trying to shake all day (I've said it before and I'll say it again -- one of the biggest cheats in life is to wake up with a headache. Especially when you haven't done anything to cause it the day before), it's still stupidly cold with a windchill of minus youhavetobekiddingme, and when I went out to my car to get to work I slipped while climbing over one of the windrows (snow windrow, for those of you lucky enough to live in climates where you don't have to be familiar with the term) and ended up doing an arse-plant into a snow bank. Not a good idea when cold isn't your friend, and I think I may have screwed up my wrist again in the process.
Um, again, yes. Yet another joint that I managed to bugger up a few years ago. But then I think I've mentioned that before.
Whingingly, no doubt.
Anyway, I'm having a great day. I was having a better day yesterday when I couldn't make myself leave the apartment because DID I MENTION THAT IT'S COLD? They say it's supposed to warm up tomorrow, but I will sooo believe that when I see it.
Until then, then.
I'm going off to whinge quietly to myself now. Or maybe noisily to Wheat. We'll see which one works better.
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