Oh. Wait. I haven't been saying anything have I. Heck the photo to the left is the only tweet from me in months as well. Besides which, I don't have any of those accounts that would keep you hanging on my every moment and action of the day: "brushing teeth now" .... "moving planter to the other table again" .... yeh, I'd be downright fascinating.
As you can see, life has changed out here "in the country". My stress level response... well, I rarely have one now. Let's just say that I take my time in deciding whether I'm looking at a red-breasted nuthatch or a chickadee; a downy or a pileated woodpecker simply because now I can.
And today's thought to ponder: why is it that once a person has all the time in the world, it goes by so darned fast. Every single day, I swear, it's five p.m. before I know it. I'm just sayin' ...
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