Anyway, onto (briefly. Still not feeling all that great, so the blather will be short again today) ignorance. I'm not at all ashamed to admit that I'm ignorant when it comes to video games. I've had a DSi for a couple of months now, I've been enjoying putzing around with it, but I haven't got a clue as to what I should be buying for it.
My first purchases (well, not purchases. Gift-card-ages) were, admittedly, just to get me started. Things that would help me get used to the hardware with no pressure, more or less. Now, though, I'm starting to feel a bit more confident about that side of things. It's probably time to look at challenging myself more.
With what, exactly?
Haven't the foggiest.
Definitely open to suggestions.
Not knowing squat about games can lead to some interesting ignorant purchases, though. The other day I was getting some groceries at one of those department store/grocery store mash-ups, and even though I wasn't going there to buy games I thought I may as well have a quick look in their electronics section to see if there was anything... ok, honestly? To see if there was anything cheap. All that missed work because of the lovely December weather (added to the cost of the car's "oil change") has me on a bit of a budget just at the moment. Anyway, it turns out that they were clearing out a few things to make room for some new stock so I was about to get a couple of games on sale. I may as well have closed my eyes and randomly stuck my hand in the bin for all I knew about what I was buying, but hey. You never know 'til you try, right?
Now, the funny thing is that I accidentally bought a game that I've since found out has quite a following and a fairly good rating.
Who knew?
Which game? Well, it doesn't really matter. Let's just say that it's in a genre that I wasn't entirely sure would suit me, but I've been finding it surprisingly entertaining. Even at my skill level.
I'm aware, however, that I'm not likely to have that kind of luck every time I buy from the bargain section, so I'm going to try not to make it a habit. Maybe I'll even start doing some research before I lay out the money. That'd probably make more sense.
That's the blather for today, I guess. Now I'm heading back to watch more of the fantastic show that I borrowed my post title from. Incidentally, I would absolutely love to be able to watch it in a more legal, less pirated form, TV People. Why in Whomever's name hasn't, say, the CBC looked into picking it up instead of showing the increasingly lame stuff they broadcast now?
Hmmm. Sounds like that might be a good topic for the I have nothing file which I really should start keeping...
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