Thursday 14 January 2010


Not much blather from me today, I'm afraid. The headache is still on but decided to do full-force just to make it worth my while. Or something. Also, the on-again off-again wrist brace is on again, which makes typing an especial joy.

Both of these things may have something to do with the fact that I took another flying leap (well, maybe not the flying part. Or the leap. Ok, it was more like a slide that ended badly) in the apartment's parking lot yesterday. I'm liking the warm weather, don't get me wrong about that, but the layer of ice we're getting on top of everything from the daily thaw/refreeze cycle is making things interesting for the balanced challenged folk out there like Yours Gimpily.

Today? I wore my cleats out to the car.

I feel like a dork when I wear the cleats, but at least they keep me from sliding under my vehicle.

So. I think I'll make this it for today because any more words would just mean more backspace key.

And probably more whining.

You're welcome, everyone.

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