If I don't, though, I have a good reason. Or at least a reason. You see, I seem to have solved the mystery of the week-long sinus headache.
I appear to be getting a cold.
Now, if this turns out to be a cold, no big deal. Yes, I'll likely whinge about it. Yes, I'll feel like hell for a few days. But what really, really ticks me off is a cold that feels the necessity to announce itself with a WEEK. LONG. HEADACHE. Over a week long, even.
How stupid is that?
Well, if not stupid at least very annoying.
Needless to say, I'm not especially in the mood to blather at length. I could, however, announce that I've been enjoying doodling again.
Ok, I realise that for anyone who ever checks the other blog (Shrubbery on the blogroll on the sidebar. I'm too lazy to link today) the above statement is not exactly news. I've been posting doodles reasonably regularly, I've been doing Illustration Friday almost every week (I have an idea for this week's prompt, but whether or not it happens depends on the state of my unhappy head later today), and courtesy of a Christmas gift card I have new toys to play with. I even have a new sketchbook which, as I told the not-Toronto office, I have already defaced (somewhat) in a bid to stop myself from getting too OLF about keeping the thing perfect so that I can have a place to just experiment.
Um, yeah. I seriously did have to purposely muck it up in order to have any chance of making that happen. It's fun being an obsessive little freak sometimes.
So why do I even mention that I'm enjoying doodling? Well, because I have a history of serial interests. I'll be all over something for a while, spend most of my time doing it, and then I'll be on to the next thing. I'm such a magpie, you know. Collecting shiny new interests and then dropping them for the next, shinier thing. My true interests seem to return in rotation, though. I might leave off for a while, but I'll get back to it eventually.
It's like I don't have a long enough attention span to maintain more than two active hobbies at once.
Oh, all right. To be fair to myself I should say that I think I can handle about four hobbies at once. As long as three of them can be benignly neglected for a week at time, I guess.
Anyway, what I'm saying is that things tend to come in and out of focus in my wee little brain. At the moment, for example, the piano hasn't been touched in about a year because I got bored with trying to keep my voice in decent shape just for the sake of keeping my voice in shape. If, however, a tempting offer to perform came up... yeah, I could see myself getting right back in the thick of things. I haven't given up music as a hobby; it's just resting for a bit.
And doodling?
I'm currently having a lot of fun with it. I still get frustrated when I don't know how to do something (read: yes, I'm still a crap painter), but just now I'm still willing to play around and see if I can figure it out. A year from now? Who knows. I might get aggravated, put things aside for a while, and take up knitting toques and scarves full-time again like I was a few years back.
I, um, like knitting toques and scarves, by the way. They don't take long enough for my five-year-old self to want to give up and go play with another toy. I have managed to knit one afghan in my life, actually, but only because it was done in one foot square pattern blocks that were sewn together later...
I'm really saying a little too much about the workings of my mind today, aren't I?
Ah well. Let's just wrap up by saying that doodling is something that always seems to come back in my life (like singing, knitting, and... erm... writing bad poetry) so I'm not especially worried if I end up going through a dry spell again sometime in the near future.
Although I hope I don't any time soon. I'm kind of enjoying being a pretend artist on the internets.
Another time maybe we'll discuss why the word pretend in that last sentence is so very important to my mental health.
Sad but true, that.
1 comment:
Can you knit? I relearned up at the Hope Lodge. Now I can knit and crochet. I want to "actually" make something. I like to just wing it, and increase and decrease and make weird ruffly edges. Since I started taking Sambucus elderberry extract. I have been able to ward off every scratchy throat, coming down with a cold feeling I have had. I just ordered two bottles online I can't afford a cold or flu. I weigh too little.
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