It's that sort of day, really.
I had a fairly interrupted sleep, and it's turned me into a newt. No, not a newt. What's that thing where you're so tired that you can't even really make a decision? A singing frog? No, that's what sounds like a duck but ain't a duck.
Oh, I can't remember.
Pretty sad that I can remember all those iPad jokes from yesterday, then. Well, maybe not all of them. I did like the one that said that only women could use the iPad because it isn't compatible with the Wii, though. Anyway, it looks like the backlash on the jokes is hitting pretty early, so if you're trying to avoid them it'll probably all go away pretty soon.
But seriously, iPad? Did no one at Apple even bother to say the name out loud before they decided on it?
Ah well. It's not like it matters much to me in the end. I'm not likely to be the first in line (or even the twelve-millionth in line) to buy an overpriced giant iPhone anyway. And given how much I hate it when people leave fingerprints on my monitor here, I just don't think that touchscreen anything will ever do it for me in the computer department.
All of this still leaves me overtired and without a blather topic, you know.
Maybe it's best that we back away slowly for today, then.
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