And now... hoodies. I'm wearing one right now, you know. Well, you didn't know unless you've installed a secret webcam in the office. I am wearing one, though. A hoodie, not a secret webcam.
I don't especially like hoodies.
Want me to tell you why?
I hope so, because I'm going to.
I would probably be all right with hoodies if they didn't have hoods... which would, I know, make them sweatshirts instead. That's ok with me. I'm very much in favour of big sloppy shirts that make you feel like retracting your hands into the sleeves, waving your arms around in the middle of a room, and repeating the word ladle over and over again...
Or maybe that's just me. Don't knock it 'til you've tried it, though. It's good fun on the right kind of day.
Anyway. Hoodies. Sweatshirts? I'm good with. Add a hood to that sweatshirt and everything starts to feel... I dunno. Bulky, I guess. I currently have no need of all of that extra fabric hanging off the back of my neck, so I'm not entirely sure why it has to be there.
Except to make a perfectly good sweatshirt adopt the alias hoodie, I guess. And when exactly did they become hoodies? When I was a kid they were kangaroo jackets, and happy enough to be so. And don't even get me started on bunny hugs.
The other thing wrong with hoodies is my hair. Yes, my hair is what's wrong with hoodies. My fine, flyaway, there's-no-way-I'm-going-to-have-anything-left-of-a-hairdo-if-I-pull-this-damned-hoodie-over-my-head hair. Let's face it. With this hair, once the hoodie goes on it has to stay on unless I want to look like a static electricity demo. And I don't want to look like that at work.
So now you're wondering why, if I feel that way, do I even own a hoodie (let alone wear one to work). Well, I don't. Own one, that is. Although I have recently started wearing one to work (as you might have guessed from the way that I'm complaining about wearing hoodies while at work).
You see, we have uniform shirts at work. Fairly casual uniform shirts, yes, but uniforms all the same. Shirts that I don't actually own but have to wear. Dark green, mostly. Currently I have a couple of short-sleeved t-shirts, a long-sleeved t-shirt, a non-dark-green collared shirt that's best in the summer, and... a brand-new hoodie that I'm wearing for the first time this week.
I think I hate the hoodie.
I didn't ask for the hoodie, which might be part of the problem. I would have liked something that opened in the front instead of having to be pulled over my head (I do own a hooded zip-up sweater that I seem to be able to wear without complaining about the hood part). In fact, I didn't even have my name on the hoodie list, but when Wheat got a better price than he was expecting on the hoodies he ordered hoodies for everyone. Hoodies that we (individual staffers, I mean) didn't have to pay for like we've had to in the past when they were more of a premium uniform item. Not having to pay made everyone happy.
Except for me, apparently, and I'm starting to feel like maybe I'm just being a bit cranky about the whole thing.
More than maybe...
Ah well.
So will I continue to wear the hoodie even though I'm not a fan? Oh, probably. Will I get used to it? Most likely. Will I wave my arms around in the middle of a room repeating the word ladle over and over again?
I expect so. It's been known to happen pre-hoodie, so why should post-hoodie be any different in that respect?
Don't you judge me.
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