Now, to avoid sounding like a whiny little five-year-old. Or attempt to, anyway. It would be a good day for a whinge if I wasn't trying to avoid it, though. I could have complained about the world's lengthiest headache, for example. Still, yes. I have no idea what's causing it (again: still, yes) but since pseudoephedrine and ibuprofen seem to be taking the edge off I'm assuming at this point that it has something to do with my sinuses. And probably our current weather system. Ironic that warmer weather tends to set off headaches, no? It should be the other way around as far as I'm concerned.
So, yeah. I could whinge about that. I could also whinge about not wanting to deal with twenty ECS kids this afternoon, but since that's part of my job I wouldn't expect any sympathy on your part.
There's also the chance that I could moan about the difficulties of brace-wearing. What do you do when your wrist brace really helps ease the throbbing of, oddly enough, your wrist (that tried to stop me from falling on my backside last week when I slipped in the parking lot) but at the same time it also really messes with the barely-controlled eczema on your hand? The brace is off today, which means that my wrist is back to hurting. AND, of course, my hand is itchy anyway.
See? All these nice whiny things. How am I supposed to not whinge with all of those options?
At least the internet is back today. We've been having router problems at work (or at least that's the last guess I heard) and things were annoyingly intermittent. Thanks to the not-Toronto office for dropping by to not-whinge in my place here. Just so you know, you're welcome to post your mystery photo even though I've managed a blather (of sorts) today. Maybe if I saw it on something that wasn't my phone screen it wouldn't be such a mystery to me.
Or maybe not. I'm still an expert at the art of I Don't Know, after all. In this job, you kind of have to be.
Speaking of job, I should get back to work.
Sans whinge.
I'm not sure that I really avoided it here...
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