Saturday 24 April 2010

Cats, for no apparent reason

As you can imagine (at least you would be able to imagine if you knew that I spend most Saturday mornings doing laundry), I haven't had time yet to take any new pointless photos outside.  Have a random cat instead.

Ok, so it's not exactly a random cat.  It's Penny, often referred to around here as Lumpy, and I was annoying her with the camera as she was cleaning up after breakfast this morning.  Penny is the smuggest cat I've ever known, and I've known a few.  She looks at us smugly as she sits on our laps (or my lap, I should say.  For whatever reason she sits on me but beside my father), she preens smugly after she eats, she talks to us smugly after she's visited the litter box... yeah, she's the queen of the house and she knows it.  Even if she's not technically a queen in the cat-breeding sense.

She's also developed quite the personality over the years, which frankly surprises me.  When she was younger she sort of wandered around the house like this blank floaty thing, and every once in a while she'd meow in such a tiny voice that we called her Meep.  Oh, in case anyone wondered, the name Penny originally came from her copper-coloured eyes.  They're more like weathered copper now, though.  Maybe that's why I so rarely call her by her actual name...

Um, anyway.  Somewhere along the line she figured out that the humans pay more attention to her if she's REALLY LOUD,  and she became the talker of the house.  Now she's loud, bossy (but sweetly bossy, if that's possible), and smug.  Sounds like quite the advertisement for a pet, don't you think?

And just in the interests of fair screen time (although... now that I think about it he shows up on the blog at least three times as much as Lumpy.  Ah well), here's Max pretending that he's majestic.  He's not, as my two fans know, but he can look the part when he wants to.

They say that there are cat people and dog people in the world.  They say that, but if we're going to be honest there are also bird people, snake people, monkey people (haven't you always wanted a monkey?), and a whole bunch more other people out there.  If we're just going with the cat/dog thing, however, I'll admit -- freely -- that I'm a cat person.  Kind of silly since I'm allergic to them, but there it is.  It has to do with the need factor, in the end.  I like dogs, but dogs are needy, needy things.  A cat gets what it wants and then finds something else to occupy itself with (usually sleeping.  Man, I wish it was possible to catch sleep from a cat). A dog always wants to be doing something with you.  You're the pack leader.  You make the plans.  I realise that it's the kind of attention a true dog person craves, but honestly?  If I owned a dog all by myself (as opposed to in a family situation, where the need thing gets spread out more), that dog would have to agree to find a regular job somewhere.  We'll do something after you come home from work, sweetie.

Um, yeah.  There's more than one reason that I live alone.  I've said more than once that the only way I'd survive in a long-term relationship is if my better half was in the navy or worked on an off-shore oil rig or something like that.  Downtime keeps the brain from imploding, boys and girls.

Well.  This seems to have accidentally turned into a post.  Yay me.  Time for lunch now, which will be scrambled eggs with ham and cheese.  It's a rule, you see, that one must have scrambled eggs with ham and cheese the day after having ham for supper.

Shut up.  It is too a rule.

Catch you later.

1 comment:

smudgers said...

What do you MEAN "for no apparent reason"??! Cats are never for no apparent reason. Sheesh...and really!

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