Monday 19 April 2010


So, hi.

Miss me?

Yeah, me neither.

Sorry, I'm tired and in a bit of a mood.  It's tough when you have a choice between putting up with a hot apartment (we're hovering around 26C in there at the moment) and not being able to breathe if you open a window.  Either way, you're not sleeping much.  Like I need help with that at the best of times.

And how are the allergies going, then, Dee?  Well, see post title.  Anyone who walked in on me right now without thinking of the pollen count would wonder what tragic news I'd gotten recently.  It's definitely weepy-eye time, boys and girls.

Oh, and I don't have any new pictures, so this week's going to be pretty spare.  Today's really rather horrible shot is just proof that somewhere in the vicinity of my father's house (in the front yard, actually) there's a feeder that the blue jays became very fond of.


Thanks to the not-Toronto office for covering for a few days (see?  I knew she'd come around if I pestered her enough).  What have I been up to in the meantime?  Not much.  Spending time in the apartment, taking some time off from people.  It has to happen every once in a while or my brain explodes, you see.  And with that time I did... um... I'm not sure, really.  I haven't even been doodling.  Didn't feel like it, for whatever reason you choose to make up for me.  This week's Illustration Friday word didn't thrill me, maybe.  I may still get around to it, but it won't break my heart if I don't.

Yep, I did mention that I'm in a mood.

Let's see... what else has been going on?


Well, I was at the zoo on Friday.  For a workshop.  Didn't do too much touring around, really, because you might have gathered that it's not terribly comfortable for me to be outside just now, but I did see some giraffes.  And some hippos.  And meerkats.  And peacocks.  And sparrows...

Why, yes.  The workshop was in Africa.  I guess I should have taken some photos there, but all I had with me was my phone camera and from the quality of the shots I get on that thing you would have been able to tell that I was either looking at giraffes or kangaroos.  Not exactly worth it.

And with that terribly exciting thought, time for me to get back to crying at my monitor.  I'll probably show up on the blog at least once or twice this week, if anyone wondered.  And just when the not-Toronto office was hitting her stride, too...

1 comment:

Sparroweye said...

What, like Africa Africa. In another continent or just Africa at the zoo. You totally confuse me on purpose. Well, guess where I am, Monterey Ca on the beach.

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