Sunday 4 April 2010

Ow. Brain cramp.

I really haven't the foggiest idea what this post might end up being.  But hey -- at least there's a flower in the yard.  More than one, even.  Thought I'd better take a few pictures before they get eaten.  The flowers, that is.  Not the pictures.

Anyway, about the post.  Further to yesterday's nonsense, I was sort of hoping to have an actual topic in mind for the blog today, and hoping not to lose it somewhere in the course of the morning.

So what's the problem?  Well, apparently I'm a little scattered today.  There are a few too many thoughts floating around in my nebulous cranial space, and they've got themselves a bit scrambled.

Example?  Boxes.  I like little boxes.  Not cardboard boxes, no; decorative ones.  I have a few pointless little boxes -- pointless because they're not really much good for anything -- and I find myself attracted to all sorts of others.  I try really hard not to buy little boxes (because of the not much good for anything factor, yes) but I still think little boxes are great.  But here's the thing.  Why on earth did I start thinking about little boxes for a blog topic?  And I'm not talking about this sort of little box here.  Really, I'm not.  It wasn't the context in my head at all.

So why, then?  Well, it might have something to do with collecting.  That's the best I can figure.  I used to be quite the collector.  Of what?  Lots of things.  It runs in the family.  My mother was a collector of brass, bells, ceramic butterflies; all kinds of dust catchers.  Me?  I was (note the was there.  It's important) into pin-on buttons (badges, if you prefer), stuffed animals, weird musical instruments, books...  The list goes on.  I've stopped now, though.  Got tired of all the stuff.  Didn't need more stuff. I realised that a few years ago when I found myself giving books away.  That would have been sacrilege back in the day, but at the time it was almost a relief to know that I'd have a bit less stuff in my life.

And I stop myself from buying little boxes even though little boxes can be pretty cool-looking sometimes.


What in Whomever's name brought on the thought of blogging little boxes in the first place?

I think...



I know, I know.  It doesn't make much sense.  But I mentioned carrying around a little (there's the little thing again) sketchbook and trying to remember to use it.  Isn't collecting things in a sketchbook just a less-cluttered way to satisfy the collecting impulse?

Sigh.  It might not have anything to do with anything, but the whole brain-fog thing got worse when I tried to think of a blatherific theme that wasn't little boxes.  Like... leg cramps.  I woke up with a doozy this morning, which doesn't happen often.  It certainly happened today, though, and was enough to totally freak out the cat who'd just decided that it was time for my services.  But who blogs about leg cramps?  I mean, really.  Leg cramps?  You can do better, Dee.  All right, then... lets think... I did my taxes last night.  We could talk taxes.  Everyone has something to say about taxes.  All those numbers in little boxes...

And that's when I got the brain cramp.  It didn't freak out the cat (mostly because I wasn't shouting ow ow ow ow ow as a result, I think), but it did make me give up on the hope that maybe the blog might make sense today.

There's always tomorrow, I suppose.

Except for the part where I won't be near a computer tomorrow so the likelihood of my blathering at all seems fairly slim.


I think we need to end with a completely unrelated song now, ok?  Let's see what we can do...

Hey, I know it's not exactly an Easter song (most of them are far too sappy for me), but at least it has a duck in it.

Sort of.

Have a good one, all.

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