Thursday 22 April 2010

Note to the stupid women in the washroom:

Yeah, no new pictures yet.  I know, I know...

Anyway.  This goes out to the stupid people who use the women's washroom here at work.  That could be a large group of women, really, since women in general seem to completely lose their brains once inside a public washroom, but here goes.

Hey.  Stupid women.  You know, those of you who keep throwing bits of toilet paper behind the main door on your way out.  Yes, I know that you're not meant to be touching door handles and things like that after you've washed your hands.  Yes, I know that the experts tell you to use a piece of paper towel to shut off the taps if there's nothing else around.  Here's the thing, though.  You don't have to do that in this bathroom because the taps go off automatically (after giving you a complete shower, yes, but that's a different problem altogether).  And as for the door?  IT'S A FRIGGING HANDICAPPED-ACCESSIBLE DOOR.  You don't want to touch the handle?  Use your damned elbow to hit the auto button.  Don't be throwing random bits of paper in the corner.  Would you do that at home?  Really?


That's... um... been coming on for a while.  Sorry.

In other news, sleeping went a bit better last night (I think I got a whole four hours.  Amazing), but I had a nature walk out in the pollen this morning, so now I'm back in fun-with-allergies land.  As I've said before, it's just not fair that a person waits all winter for winter to be over, only to have spring make her miserable.

Ah well.  We may possibly be getting a bit of rain in the next day or two, so that'll help.  Please let it help.  I'm tired of having nothing else to say besides my brain hurts...

Going now.  This was almost a post, wasn't it?

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