Friday 2 April 2010

Later that same day

Oh, you just know that this isn't going to go well, right?  It rarely does when I attempt to post after about 6 pm (maybe that's when I turn into a pumpkin?  I know that's what'll happen to the blog if it ever comes to a point).  At the moment you can add onto the evening posting problem the fact that I'm tired from not sleeping well (um... I guess that's what I'm usually tired from, isn't it?  That was kind of a water-is-wet moment) and a bit logy from the surprise turkey supper we had tonight.  It was a surprise to me, I should say, and not to my father.  Good thing, since he was the one cooking it.  The surprise was just that I didn't realise we were doing the turkey thing today rather than tomorrow or Sunday.  It was good, though.

I should say here that I did help (a bit) with supper.  I made the stuffing (from a box) and the dessert (from a box).  And I stirred the gravy.  From a package, yes.

Hey, it was still good.  And we've learned over the years that for just the two of us it's really not worth the fuss of making everything from scratch.  Heck, even the turkey's not actually a fuss.

Seriously.  That's the beauty of rotisserie turkey.

I know I've talked about turkey in the rotisserie before, but after having it that way I'd really have a problem going back to the traditional roast-style holiday bird.  The rotisserie keeps things from drying out, for one thing, and it means that you don't have to keep pampering the food.  It's also quicker, and anything that keeps a simple meal from being a full-day assault is okay by me.

Yep, I loves me some rotisserie.

And judging from the amount of bird left over, I'll be loving it for a number of days to come...


Further to my extremely overly tired post about finding the new blog editor confusing, I just thought I'd let you know that it's my opinion that they still have a few bugs to work out.  I'm planning to use that as an excuse for any lack of sense in my posts for the next little while, just so that you know (or maybe I should blame it for any actual sense).  Still, it does have a couple of neat new toys.  Maybe I'll be doing a bit of playing around in the next few days.

Assuming that more sleep happens than has been, of course.  If it doesn't, just expect to see more whining.

Yeah, I know that it's hard to imagine more whining here.  Trust me, though.  It's possible.

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