Thursday 8 April 2010

In my cups

No, not that way.  I'm at work, for Whomever's sake.

No, what I'm talking about is... oh, wait.  I should say first that today's pointless photo is not of a cup.  Or of someone in his or her cups.  Just so you know.

What I'm talking about is the fact that I'm test-driving a new insulated mug at work today.  This is a big deal.  No, seriously.  I had the same insulated mug at work for yeeears, so to have something different is a major change to the routine.

I'm not certain that I'm happy with it.

You see, my old insulated mug wasn't your run-of-the-mill stop-at-Tim's-on-the-way cup.  Nope.  For one thing, a coffeeless person like me wouldn't be stopping at Tim's anyway unless it was for a doughnut (or maybe a sandwich.  The sandwiches aren't too bad).  For another, I don't tend to travel with my hot beverage of choice anyway.  So, while it's nice to have an insulated mug to keep things warm for a bit while it's sitting on the desk unattended (say, if I'm in a program or something), I had no need of a leakproof bombproof whateverproof cup here in the office.

I had what apparently is called a desk mug.  It didn't look like the one I just linked to because it was older (and I can't remember if it was even a Thermos product), but the point is that it had a wide base and a non-leakproof lid.  Not designed to be hauled around in a car, but perfect to sit in front of my monitor.  And since it was the only one in the building, I always knew which cup was mine.

Until the handle broke off when I was washing it a week or so ago.


The cup was getting on and it certainly didn't owe me anything service-wise, but my cup.  I mean, seriously.  What was I supposed to do?

Yeah, yeah, I know.  Get another cup.  The problem is, though, that I went to buy another desk mug and I couldn't find one.  At the one store I went to.  So I bought a travel mug instead because I wasn't in the mood to go to a different store.  My fault, I guess (ok, I know), but now that I've got the cup I really should use it.

Today's test trial day.  It's going...


It's going.

It holds the same amount as my old desk mug, true.  Probably keeps things warm for about the same amount of time.  The chain on my tea infuser was long enough even though this this is twice as tall as my old cup, so that was a good thing.

And the part where I've had to go rinse off my hoodie (ah yes, the return of the hoodie) slightly to make sure it isn't rooibos-stained?  I suppose I can't blame that on the cup.  It was more a case of forgetting how to drink out of these damned travel mugs without causing myself mouth injury than anything else.  Still, I miss my mug.

This one isn't my mug.


Will it be?  Oh, I imagine, especially since I'm too cheap to go lay out the money for a proper desk mug just at the moment, and I'm still not in the mood to go looking for one anyway.

Guess I'm stuck looking at this silly, skinny thing then.  Which, by the way, could use a refill at this point.

As good an excuse to end this particular whinge as any, don't you think?

Later, then.

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