Saturday 3 April 2010

Man, do I hate losing posts

But first, a word about today's pointless photo:

I know that some of my two fans get a little squicked out when the insect and spider shots start appearing on the blog again each spring, but try to look at them as shapes rather than insects.  Think of what they add to the composition, such as it is. Maybe think of how neat it is that you can have a damned good guess at what these animals are up to in life just by looking at the forms of their body parts (comparative anatomy nerd = me.  Seriously.  I've loved it since university).  Or... just say why the h-e-double-hockey-sticks is she posting another picture of a bug? and then move on.

Either way works for me.


Ok, time for today's topic.  Or it would be, if I could remember what today's topic was going to be.  I had something in mind, but unfortunately it got lost as I was doing my usual Saturday morning peruse of all things useless on the internet.  And, of course, my usual Saturday morning laundry.

I've got to learn to take notes or something, I suppose.  The very moment that something pops into mind for the daily blather, it should be written down.  I used to do that in my last poetry frenzy, and it worked pretty well... hmmm.  I should explain that for those new to the program, right?  The thing is that I like to write bad poetry.  Sometimes.  It's a very cyclical thing, really.  I'll spend weeks or sometimes months writing poem after poem after poem, and then I'm done.  Yep, just like that.  No point in trying to force it; it's just done.  It generally comes back -- occasionally years later -- but when I'm done I'm done.  Not in a where did my muse go sort of way, no.  More like my brain's moving on to something else for a while.  It's all good, since I'm not exactly trying to make my fortune with bad poetry.

For those of my two fans who are desperate for bad poetry, two words: Other Blog.  Don't say I didn't warn you about the bad part, though.

Anyway, the last time I had a poetry thing going on I took to carrying a very small notebook around with me so that I could jot ideas or snippets of lines as they flolloped into my head.  As I said, it worked pretty well.  I got out of the habit when my brain hit I'm done, but maybe I should start it again just for the blog.  It might make the blog more interesting.

I'm not sure if the blog will turn into a pumpkin if it becomes more interesting, though.  Maybe I should just aim for more weird?  That'd be safe.  I think.

Lately rather than carry around a notebook I've been packing a small Moleskine sketchbook and a pack of Pitt pens (yes, the Christmas gift card lives on) and trying to get into the habit of doodling/journalling when I have time to waste.  It's going... sporadically, I have to say, but I'm still game to get into the habit.

For any of my two fans who are of the art supply geek variety, two things.  First, I love my Moleskines, yes.  I know I could find sketchbooks that are just as good for less money and without the hype, but I like the Moleskine paper and the sturdiness of the binding so I'm not all that keen to try other things at the moment.  Second, after trying out the Pitt pens for a while now I have to say that for the way I doodle I still prefer the feel of my Pigma Microns.  The Pitt pens come a close second, though.

I'm not sure I want to waste sketchbook pages on random blog thoughts, but maybe it'll just have to happen to cut down on lost posts.  We'll see, I guess.


One other thing, since this post seems to have accidentally become about art and words.  I've finally got around to a couple of quick updates on my Shelfari page, if anyone's interested in what books I've had my nose in recently.  You can see the bookshelf on the sidebar. Most recent books are at the top.  Hover over a book to see if I've bothered to write a review, or click the Shelfari icon to see my entire shelf.  Which, by the way, does not list all the books in my apartment, sadly.  Sadly because it's a pretty big list for being an incomplete one.  I still have a few shelves to enter, but I got distracted a while ago and forgot to complete it.  I should do that sometime.  The world may as well have the complete insanity.

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