Friday 9 April 2010

Pointless confusion of the day:

This'll be quick because I have work that needs doing, but I just thought I'd share that I'm having a moment of confusion about what I get up to at night.

When I'm actually sleeping, I mean.

Like, why did I wake with sore arm muscles this morning?  I haven't been doing anything in the past few days that should have led to sore arm muscles, but this morning I felt like I'd done a full night of bench pressing when I got out of bed.

Oh, and I should add that I've never (at least to the best of my knowledge) been a sleepwalker at all.  I know of one documented case of sleep talking, but that was only after I'd had the trauma of sharing a small boat with several dying, flopping-around fish.  And, um, disrupting my entire family in the tent trailer the night afterwards, apparently.  Sorry about that everyone, mumblemumble years after the fact.

To this day I don't do dead/dying fish well.  That's saying something for someone who has a zoology degree and hasn't been much bothered by plenty of much more disgusting things than dead fish.

Um, anyway.  Where was I?

Oh yeah.  Doing some heavy lifting at night, apparently.

Listen, I know I'm getting older.  I definitely know that things ache that never ached before.  But random sore muscles after a day of doing pretty much exactly what I did the day before?  That's just weird.

Yeah, yeah, I know.  Weirdness from me doesn't exactly qualify as a shocking thing.  And shut up, world.

I'm going back to work now, ok?

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