Wednesday 7 April 2010

Well, this is certainly turning into a week of non-posts

Sorry about that.  It wasn't planned.  It's just that between the lack of sleep (better last night, though.  Thanks for asking), the head full of poplar pollen, and the fact that I really, really should be getting to work... it sort of seems irresponsible to be thinking of something to blather about.

It's not like I had anything in mind, anyway.

It's kind of like taking pictures this time of year.  Frustrating, I mean.  Winter stuff has finally disappeared, but spring stuff's just barely getting started.  And what's left?  Brown, dead things.  There are only so many pictures of brown, dead things a person can take before her two fans start asking what the hell is up with all the brown, dead things? 

Unfortunately for me, the poplar trees are starting not to be brown, dead things.  They're actually more like white-ish greyish things with little fuzzy things dangling from them.  Little fuzzy things that evilly pump loads of pollen into the air, making MY HEAD HURT.

Early spring is so freaking annoying, you know?

Ah well.

Shall I test out one of the new toys and see if I can show you something that isn't currently making my head hurt and, last I checked, hadn't yet been eaten by deer?  Ok, let's see how this goes...


So far it doesn't.

One more try, without the toy part then?

Well, there you have it.  Actual, uneaten tulips.

Not sure it was worth the trying, to be honest.

Back to work for me, now.

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