Sunday 11 April 2010


Just a heads-up that the blog's really going to be hurting for photos this week (I mean even more than usual).  It was far too windy these past couple of days to bother taking the camera out, so unless I do something about it during the week (which almost never happens) we'll be dealing with nerdstick leftovers.

Which... you probably wouldn't have even noticed if I hadn't said anything about it.  Such is the quality of photography on this blog.  Good thing it's all pointless.

As for me, I'm kind of postless just at the moment.  A mood problem, for the most part.  There are a couple of things I could be talking about -- and may, in the next few days -- but I juuust don't want to.  So, I figured that I may as well blather about some of the other things I juuust don't seem to want to blather about here on the blog.

Made sense in my brain.

First, politics.  My two fans may have noticed that there's almost no mention of anything political on this blog.  There's a good reason for that.  I hate politics.  I find it boring.  Oh, I pay attention to the issues (I'd be a pretty irresponsible voter if I didn't, and I definitely vote), but as soon as the partisan yammering starts I tune out.  I'd sooner have elected officials doing something rather than yelling about all the things that their opponents aren't doing, really.  I thoroughly dislike election attack ads for the same reason.  Don't tell me how awful your competitor is; tell me what you'll do.  That's all I want to hear.  The rest I can make my own mind up about.

Second, religion.  As little as you ever hear about politics from me, you'll hear less about religion.  Different reason this time, though.  The way I see it, my beliefs are none of your business, and if you knew them the only thing it would do is colour the way you read my posts.  I mean, face it.  The minute I start advertising that I'm an *insert belief here*, anything I say appears to have an agenda even if it shouldn't.  I don't need that sort of baggage, especially for blather that's supposed to be largely pointless.  There's a reason that I use Whomever in place of something specific when I feel the need to invoke... well, whatever.  You're meant to fill in that blank with whatever works in your personal world.  What I'm filling it in with doesn't matter in the slightest.  After all, if I thought you needed to know much about me to read the blog I would have put my own picture in my profile and given you a detailed biography.  Oh, and I would have been posting under my actual full name as well, right?

Now, the third thing is in a completely different category, and it's a bit baffling to me.  I don't seem to post about nature and the environment much.  I should.  I'm a naturalist, for Whomever's sake (heh.  Whomever.  It's kind of become reflex by now).  I like nature.  I'm interested in nature.  I know lots of cool (and non-preachy, even) things about nature that would be handy to fill blog space with on days when I haven't got things to complain about.  And yet I rarely do that.

I'm honestly not sure why.

It could be because I also blog for work, and maybe in my brain the nature-y stuff should be kept for that.  It could be because the blog will turn into a pumpkin if it ever comes to a point.  It could just be that I don't think of it.  We all know that I tend to be more than a little scattered with my blog thoughts, after all...

Ah well.  Maybe I'll try to change that.  Or not.  At the moment, though, the increasing frequency of the use of the backspace key is telling me that I should probably stop typing for now.

Guess I will, then.

It's always best to listen to your fingers when they're the ones in charge, and that's how it works for the blather.

1 comment:

Sparroweye said...

But, you do draw cool nature stuff on your other blog. I just remembered I wanted to be a marine biologist. Thought of this when I read about the underwater volcano rift they found. Sounded so cool. Insert anything you want. Have no idea why I posted that.

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