Wednesday 28 April 2010

I'm so confused

There's wet stuff falling from the sky.  How does that work, again?  It's been a while.

Unfortunately, the wet stuff is due to turn to white stuff.  Possibly lots of white stuff.

Fortunately, this will deal with the poplar pollen, and the constant whinge about headaches, for a while.

So how am I supposed to be feeling about this, then?  Good that I might be able to breathe, or ticked that winter doesn't ever seem to know when to go away?  At the moment I'm leaning toward the good side, but I'm thinking that's only because it hasn't started snowing yet.

It certainly is raining, though.  Weird.

No, seriously.  We've had so little rain OR snow in the past few months that I'm really not sure how to process it right now.

And besides... I've got nothing.

How many of you had already guessed that part?  Yeah, I know.  The blog's been a little bare this week.  Sorry about that, but when I've got nothing I've got nothing.

And I should really stop typing and enjoy the rain, anyway.

Ok then.  Let's go with that plan.  If I don't show up here tomorrow, you can assume that I drowned after going outside and looking up with my mouth open in wonder and amazement...

Or, you know, you can assume that I just didn't feel like blogging.  The first option would be much more entertaining, though.

Later, all.

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