Monday 30 August 2010

I'd like to thank the Academy...

I'd like to, but the fact is that watching last night's Emmy Awards just showed me once again that I have very little interest in what I suppose the Academy considers mainstream, voteable television. Yep, it was a night of why should I care since I never watch this? for me when it came to most of the awards. Let's face it: I only really have fan-stakes in 2 1/2 scripted shows (all dramas, oddly enough. And the half is because one of them that I think might rhyme with Jones or something like that has had enough silly plot devices in the past while to make even me think of rolling my eyes and packing it in), and the fall previews aren't exactly making me want to add to the list. Ask me about crab fishing, though. I could tell you about crab fishing.

Um, anyway. I guess what I'm saying is that as a non-vested person who wasn't really excited about any of the wins, the only impression I'm prepared to blog about was of the show as a whole. Which was... ok. Not awful, not great, but came in on time so that was a bonus.

It's not like I ever watch award shows for the awards anyway, as my two fans know. I'm all about the fashions. As I've said many times before, I'm endlessly amused by two things: the fact that people who have stylists and are given free clothes can still often manage to look reeeally bad, and the fact that the so-called fashion pundits never seem to know what the hell they're talking about. It's inevitable that at least one attendee is going to appear on both the best and worse dressed lists each year, and I find that absurdly entertaining.

So what about this year? Well, first let me say that for live coverage I was stuck with NBC's incredibly lame red carpet (which, apparently, you couldn't even be seen on unless you were in the cast of Glee...), so most of what I know I'm seeing on the entertainment sites this morning. In still photos, which admittedly don't always give the best idea. Having made that caveat, though...

Guys. Geez. BOW TIES. Regular readers will know my feelings on the long tie thing. Men can look so fantastic in well-tailored tuxes, but it's not formal wear if you've buggered up the tie. It's just a shiny suit after that, and you may as well be at the office (you know, if you work at the kind of office that allows shiny suits). Now, getting past that pet peeve I have to say that I was surprised to see a few men in colours other than black, and I approve. Yes, really. Nothing wrong with a bit of colour in a tux, as long as it's done right. Subtly. No one wants to see the return of the 70s powder-blue ensemble (Whomever knows...), but a bit of well-thought-out colour can make a change from the sea of penguins. I even saw a couple of people in white jackets who managed to not look like waiters, and honestly? That's not easy. I'd start naming names here, but pictures of the men are surprisingly hard to find so I think I'll just let the folks at Esquire handle it for me. Their slideshow is here, and while I don't agree with all of their picks they have a few things to say about fit and style that are kind of interesting.

As for the women? Well, I wasn't overwhelmed or underwhelmed (except by the hair. What was with all the bad hair last night?), but my favourite SHE'S THE BEST! SHE'S THE WORST! of the night was January Jones, I think. I'll leave you to look it up, since I'm kind of hitting lazy at this point. Blue shiny mullet-skirted dress with space-age boob cups, if you're not sure of the one I mean. And do I agree with best or worst? Hmm. Still not sure, I guess. I might have been more for it if the skirt hadn't looked so much like the designer used the comforter from someone's bed as its base. Too much skirt in all, maybe. Better for the runway than the red carpet. As for the others? I liked Emily Deschanel's purple tiered thing more than I probably should have, I thought it was a shame that someone as pretty as Lauren Graham chose to wear something so unflattering, I'm undecided on Kyra Sedgwick's apparently-made-out-of-crepe-paper dress, I found Jewel a little too precious (and I wish someone would teach her to stop singing through her nose), Glenn Close's metallic asymmetrical whatsis did nothing for her, and most of the rest were, I suppose, fine.

Oh, except I wish that someone would tell Heidi Klum that everyone already knows she has legs so it's really not necessary to wear a mini that barely goes past her crotch. To the Emmys. I mean, seriously.

I might have other thoughts as I read (and laugh at) more of the "professional" analyses, but this is more words than I've typed here in a week so I think I'm entitled to go have lunch now. You probably should too, if you haven't already.

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