Monday 16 August 2010

Well, I'm hungry

Not for unripe grapes, no. But if you've been paying attention to the whinge at all you'll know that being hungry for anything is a good thing.

Wonder what bug I can catch next?


I don't have a blather topic. I really meant to have one since I've definitely been shortchanging the place this week, but I just don't have that much to talk about at the moment.

There are a few things I could whine about, I suppose, but to be honest even I get tired of listening to me whine.

Sometimes I'll start typing and something will just come out of my brain, but I can already tell that this isn't one of those days. Maybe it would be after lunch and I should probably go get some of the aforementioned, but at the moment... empty.

If you listen hard you can probably hear the wind whistling through the blog.

Or maybe that's just the hamster wheels that keep the internet running.

What?  You didn't know about that? Well, did you think the internet was a series of tubes or something?

Ok, maybe it wasn't fair to bring that up since former senator Ted Stevens did recently die in a plane crash and I really don't know that much about the man besides what I see on the Daily Show, but honestly? If I had the choice of being remembered as a probably-corrupt politician or as someone who gave a slightly odd speech that inspired a lot of internet silliness, I think I'd go for the silliness. And in honour of that (and to give me something to end this non-post on), let's revisit an old hit: A Series of Tubes.

I'll... um... try to come up with something more blathery tomorrow.

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