Sunday 29 August 2010

So... do you have anything today, Dee?

Not really. Bit of a spinny head from not sleeping very well, but that's so normal these days it hardly bears repeating.

I saw a neat spider, which is usually (as my two fans know) worth a post, but if the photo I just took of it turned out at all well I'm going to use it on the work blog instead.

You're welcome.

I could, I suppose, tell you that autumn has apparently arrived in Alberta, but the fact is that I'm grateful for the recent cool weather since it makes my apartment much more livable. Apparently not livable enough for me to sleep like a normal person, but at the moment I don't think I can really blame that on the apartment.

As tempting as it is. I like blaming things on my apartment. The place is just so blamable.

So what does that leave me?

Not much, I guess, so I should go back to the work blogging. Which, most likely, will be just as successful.

Poor work blog. You just don't know what's coming....

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