Sunday 1 August 2010

Oh dear

I've been actually working at work, and as a result I've forgotten what I was going to blather about.

Thought it would come back to me, but it hasn't.


That must make it time for a brand new feature on the blog that I just made up now:


Um, yeah. I don't know either. Let's just do this thing, ok?


Why is the potty dance?

No, not why does the potty dance. It's not a riddle. Why is the potty dance, as in why does it exist? We've all done it as children (for all I know, some of us still do it as adults), but what's it actually supposed to do? Seems to me that if you really really really have to pee all that jiggling around is just going to make things worse...

Yeah. This new blog feature may or may not be long for this world.


On another note, the new gum I bought yesterday and am trying for the first time today is currently disintegrating in my mouth. Wonderful. It's advertised as having a very long lasting flavour, but if the gum itself doesn't last how the h-e-double-hockey-sticks can a person say anything about the flavour?

Geez, people.

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