Thursday 19 August 2010

Planetarium brain

I've got nothing, really, and I should get back to work (or wrok, which is what I initially typed. Might be more fun, really), so since I can't remember if I've ever explained planetarium brain let me do that quickly now.

And if I have explained it before, well... stop reading, I guess.

The mobile planetarium consists of a projector and a dome. The dome is a tent that's held up by air, just like a bouncy castle but nowhere near as injury-causing. The air which holds the tent up comes from a fan.

A fairly loud fan.

And I don't care what Mr Dyson says, the loudness will get you over the -- buffetting, is that the term he uses? -- every time.

So, when I say I have planetarium brain after a program, just imagine someone who has the physical fatigue of having hauled around a bunch of heavy crates combined with the mental fatigue of having been stuck in a reasonably small space for an hour or two with a fairly large fan that she has to fight against to get people to hear her.

Plus the slight fumage from the tent material itself, I suppose. That probably doesn't help.

So anyway. Here I sit with planetarium brain, extremely tight shoulders because my neck's not right and it's put everything somewhat off-kilter, and work that's not actually being done while I type this.

So I think I should stop typing this.

Ok then.

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