More than one, even.
Wildflowers. Viola adunca. Early Blue Violet.
You know what this means, don't you? Actual, live, wild plants are really growing here in Alberta. Wild ones, not misguided and confused European imports.
And you know what that means?
Yay spiders.
I've already seen a few, to be honest. Now I just have to work on convincing them to be a little less camera-shy.
And shut up, world. It's been a very, very long winter.
Before I go, I should say that the weird cropping is entirely intentional. I liked the tulip leaf being in the way. It's a nice frame, and it leads a bit more of a "shy violet" feel to the whole.
Well, I think so anyway.
Did I mention that spider season is coming?
1 comment:
Sadly, my husband is given to spider
genocide. The other night there was an almost invisible teeny spider on the edge of the bathroom sink. He squashed it. I am more of the attitude, if you don't bother me, I won't bother you. I was fascinated by bugs as a kid. But not spiders. My favorites were walking sticks, chamelon lizards, ladybugs, mealyworms. I was a bit afraid of praying mantis.
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