Wheat to me, a few minutes ago: "Do you actually listen to yourself?"
Now, before you make a judgement about Wheat or me, know that the remark was met with absolute laughter from both of us because I was admittedly talking complete nonsense about my lunch (or lack of same. This'll be short since I need to go pick something up today).
I do have my nattering-on moments. It probably has something to do with the fact that I didn't put my hair up today, which always drives me a little bit nuts.
Let's see: no hairdo, no lunch... get the feeling that SOMEBODY had a little trouble getting going this morning?
Now, about the title. Txt, as in text messaging. I text a lot. A helluva lot, considering that I'm not exactly in the age bracket you'd expect when you think about the average text user.
I've been noticing lately just how much I text because in the last few days I've been texting a lot less.
Erm, let me explain.
One of my regular recipients is the Toronto office, you see, and she's been have phone issues. Yes, we've actually had to resort to *gasp* e-mailing each other lately rather than just firing off the usual text nonsense.
It's such an inconvenience.
And that's what really hammered home the fact that I use texting more than I realised. When a person has to go to the lengths of actually opening up an e-mail program to communicate with someone and finds it all a bother, then that person probably needs to put down the phone and back away slooowly.
I'm not going to do it, though.
Call it addiction if you want, but the truth is that I like to communicate (it's what I do for a living, for pity's sake) and I like it when communication is painless. I have trouble justifying a long-distance call to a friend (I'm cheap, remember), but I'm quite willing to keep in touch. As long as it's easy.
And inexpensive.
And distracting...
Ok, that was a little too much truth there.
Off I go to find some food, then. Text you later.
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