Is it too early in the post for a shut up, world? Yeah, probably.
So why are we in a snit today, you ask? We, for those new to the program, would be Yours Blatheringly and alllll of the voices. And as far as asking, I'm just assuming you were polite enough to at least fake concern.
I could say I was in a snit because I'm working on a holiday Monday, but if I'm being honest I'd have to say that it doesn't really bother me to work a half day with very few people around. I could be in a snit because the stupid toad (and by the way, is there any other kind?) didn't eat all of its crickets so I'm currently being sung to in a very annoying fashion. That'd be sort of a pointless snit, but I'm good at those.
Today's snit, however, actually does have a point.
Did anyone guess from the photo?
Yes, we're snitting at the weather today. This photo's a few weeks old, but if what they're predicting comes into full fruition everything will be looking pretty much exactly like that by this time tomorrow.
And you're perfectly welcome to translate that euphemism into its even more colourfully vulgar cousin. It's not like I'm praying to Norse gods here, after all.
I live in Alberta. It's not unusual to get spring snow. What is unusual (or at least frustrating) is to get storm after storm like this. The past few days' worth of wind managed to get rid of most of the last snowfall... just in time for our next ten centimetres.
It's all getting a little old, you know.
And yes, I do realise that this isn't the only part of the country (or even North America) that's been putting up with an extended winter. I know that, but I don't care.
It's all about me, remember.
And me is very, very put out.
Have you ever noticed that being put out never actually changes anything?
Somebody ought to do something about that someday.
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