Sunday 10 June 2007

Fashion statement

Not everyone can pull off capris with blue ragg socks and black suede Ropers (that'd be the shoes), you know.

And shut up, world. It's the weekend, and that translates as no one should give a flying rat's bottom what I'm wearing. I certainly don't.

It's not like I'm a fashion plate at the best of times. I'm perfectly capable of dressing well if I have to, but for the most part there's not much point to it. I wear a uniform at work, and when I'm not at work you're very likely to find me in my pyjamas.

Assuming I'm home, of course. I don't usually do my grocery shopping in my pyjamas.

Note that I'm not saying that appearances don't have importance. We can't help but make judgements based on how a person looks. It's how we're wired. And I certainly wouldn't go to a job interview wearing what I had on when I took the pointless photo.

I just think that sometimes people fuss about things that don't need to be fussed over. I don't need to have the latest... well, anything, when it comes right down to it. This was going to become a lengthier rant, but I'm sort of in a weekend mood and I've just now decided that I can't be bothered putting in the energy it would take to be indignant about such a trivial topic. Let's take the short route, then, and say that as long as my hair is combed, my teeth are brushed, and my clothes are clean, I don't really care whether I'm wearing a $200 dress (yes, I do own one) or $20 jeans.

It's all very much a great big whatever in my world.

Besides, I like those socks...

Go enjoy your Sunday, already.

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