Friday 1 June 2007

Burr ~ and it's summer too

Sue me for the play on words but it's not even nine a.m. The jet fuel is kicking in, though, which can only work to the benefit of the dogs. What a walk they're going to have, if it's not already 40 (Canadian) degrees out there with the humidity.

Don't tell ME the climate hasn't dramatically changed in the past few years.
Gore stole my thunder, you know.

Anyway, the pups are actually more clever than they sometimes look, even remembering the breed. Yesterday was such an ugly day for smog and heat that after ten minutes had gone by in their afternoon wander, Duchess sat down. Now when Duchess sits down, Duchess sits down.

This type of sitting down generally involves a huge sigh, an harumph and I swear an eyeroll is involved in the process.

Bailey looked at me over her shoulder and jerked her head toward home (oh, she did so) as if to tell me to get with the programme. Apparently the girls don't "do" heat.

I see by the big chart on the wall which is really small icons at the bottom of my taskbar that there is a 15-degree difference between here and where the OLF resides.

Maybe she should be enjoying the walk so I can finish my coffee. Seems fair to me. I mean, she rarely gets outside.

Oh, wait. There is that work place she's mentioned on occasion. Um, never mind then.

And Happy June and whotheheckstolethefirstfivemonthsofmyyear!? <--that's as quick as it's gone yes

1 comment:

Sparroweye said...

But doesn't she take groups on the trails? Or does she just give talks.
Why is it hot so early. I should
think July would be hot. Not June.
I am hoping that tropical depression will bring us some much needed rain.
I had Screech owls this spring. It was awesome. The baby's are just adorable.

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