Well, that's what I get for trying to make sense out of pointless photos, I suppose.
For a variety of weird reasons, Facebook's come up a lot in my life lately. The reasons qualify as weird mostly because I'm not on Facebook. Yet. I imagine it's only a matter of time, though, since a person can't avoid the invitations forever.
That's right, folks. I actually have people who want to be my friend.
Shocking, I know.
It's also a bit confusing, because I've made no secret about the fact that I like the feeling of anonymity I get on the internet. The whole Facebook thing, you have to agree, is pretty much the extreme opposite of internet anonymity.
Not that I really believe I'm anonymous on the internet, of course. I'm not stupid. I've left enough hints 'round and about that if you really wanted to track me down it wouldn't be very hard. However, there's a pretty big difference between aimlessly blathering on a blog under a thinly-veiled assumed name and coming right out and saying "Hey, cyberworld! This is me! I'm HERE! Talk to me!!!!!".
The thought's a little scary to someone who spends most of her life wishing there was a way that she could live full-time in a metaphoric hole and still manage to find the coin to buy groceries.
Besides, what if I joined up and nobody liked me?
Ok, kidding about that last bit. As I mentioned, I do have a couple of friend-invitations already. It's almost too bad, in a way. I'd take somewhat of a perverse pleasure out of being the only person on Facebook with absolutely no friends at all.
And shut up, world. I know I'm strange.
So, what to do? If I set myself up a Facebook account and actually start (*gasp!*) networking, does that mean that I am, by choice, associating with other people? If that's the case, then I think my head might explode from the unfamiliar sensation.
That's messy, you know. Little bits of loner-brain all over the 'net...
There's another problem I predict, as well. You see, if I were to start in with Facebook I realise that there's absolutely no point in doing it as deeol. No one (well, except possibly Wheat) in my work environment thinks of me as deeol. My family, old friends, people I went to school with... none of them know what a deeol is. I would have to 'fess up to being myself.
Kind of frightening, that.
But... it would mean that the blog could stay as it is. See, if I was going online as me rather than internet-me, then internet-me would still have this place to play in pseudoanonymity.
That wouldn't be so bad, I guess.
Ah well. Time will decide it in the end. One of these days I won't be able to resist clicking on that tempting ol' invitation list, and I'll find myself immersed in yet another unnecessary timewaster.
Yeah. Welcome to my life.
One last thing, before I look for some lunch. This blog is pretty cool.
Now go find something else to do. I'm hungry.
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