So here I am, at work on a Sunday. This is, in fact, the last day of my work week (thus the post title), so I'm allowed to think of it as Friday even if it isn't.
In some ways it doesn't feel like a Friday, though. For one thing, on a real Friday there are usually far more staff members in the building. I'm often the first one in (unless I'm working the late shift like I did this week), but not too long after I get here the rest of the crew starts to trickle in.
On a Sunday I'm the first one in by about an hour and a half, since my work day's a bit longer than that of my weekend coworker (no, I'm not going to explain that). Note how I said coworker and not coworkers? Yep, the office end of the building is a big, empty space on weekends. Occasionally, that means I get more work done because there's less going on back here to distract me.
Whaddya want. Today's Friday.
Besides, I'm programming today. Makes me a little less ambitious about the paperwork side of my life.
It just occurred to me that none of you is likely to give a rip about any of this.
Ah well.
I suppose some people might be bothered by the thought of being alone in a fairly isolated building for hours at a time, but I kind of like it. I don't usually get spooked by weird noises (and really, the weirdest noise in this office is generally that made by the snake shifting around in its case behind me. Once you get used to that, no worries), and I've been around this place long enough to have a sense of security about it.
A false sense of security, maybe, but I can live with that. Besides, being alone in the building means by definition that there's no one around to annoy me.
Erm... not that the people I work with annoy me. I just tend to prefer my own company, that's all.
We're going to have to talk about the whole loner thing sometime, aren't we? I mean, on this blog. It was discussed ad nauseum on the old one, but if a new blog isn't an excuse to rehash old topics I don't know what is.
Anyway, since I'm at work I really should be, you know, working. Break's over, I suppose.
Happy Friday.
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