The problem is that I'm supposed to be functional. I have things that need doing.
In other news (and to add to the general urgh of the moment), lunch is definitely not sitting well. Too tired and spinach salad apparently don't mix. I don't think there's much of anything that would have sat well today, though.
We could talk about the pointless photo, I suppose. I like the pointless photo, but for reasons you might not have guessed. The spider's good (it's an Elongate Long-Jawed Orb Weaver, for the other nerds out there) and the web is pretty cool even though you can't see much of it in this shot. What I like most of all, however, are the lines.
Anyone who actually pays attention to what I post here (and if so, why?) has probably noticed that I like pattern and odd details, but what might not be as obvious at first glance is that I almost always crop my shots to emphasize diagonals. For whatever reason, my obsessive little brain is very pleased by diagonals in photos. Diagonals in art, too. I could go into annoying analysis of the why, but really I'm too tired to make a helluva lot of sense as it is. Analysing my lack of sense would just make it that much more nonsensical.
If you take another look at my cropped shots, you might also notice that I'm often concentrating on the negative space rather than what would seem to be the subject. That part's not surprising if you know me in real life. I'm the type of person who generally does the harmony parts instead of the tune when singing along with the radio.
I just find it more interesting, I suppose.
Anyway, that's it for today. I'm considering climbing under the desk and taking a two hour nap. If anyone's looking for me, tell them to come back tomorrow.
Ok? Ok.
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