Friday 27 July 2007

Pointless vague muttering of the day:

By the way, you're supposed to admire the wing shadow in today's pointless photo.

Or at the very least you could shrug indifferently.



I'm in a bit of a fog today. Slept in (well, more woke-up-early-as-usual-but-fell-back-to-sleep-and-apparently-hadn't-set-the-alarm) and was late to work, which is an extremely rare occurrence. Also completely missed a sudden and (I'm told) very noisy thunderstorm last night. Slept through it.

Weird. I'm suspecting that I might have some sort of bug or something.

I just hope it's not a cockroach. Cockroaches are icky.


I hear from my father that the copies of the third and fourth series of A Bit of Fry and Laurie that I'd ordered from Giant Internet Company Which Doesn't Need Me to Advertise It have arrived at his place. Yes, I have things like that shipped to his place rather than mine. I don't especially like my mailman, you see. If there was a way to fold a DVD, he'd find it.

Anyway, in a few days I'll be happily up to my eyeballs in sketch comedy silliness. That is, if I can manage not to sleep through it. I did mention the whole brain fog thing, right?

I've been a fan of sketch comedies ever since I can remember, and I'd guess that it's at least partly because the format suits the short attention span. Or suites, which is what I originally typed.

Seriously, boys and girls. My head is completely on its own planet right now.



Yes, one more try at a topic before I completely abandon all hope of readability.

I'm a fan of sketch comedy, yes, but I like to think that I'm a little discerning in my tastes. I like things that have a good mix of cleverness, wordplay, and interesting visuals... with the occasional bit of what-the-hell thrown in just to keep a person on her toes.

And for anyone thinking that I've said all of this before: I know. It was on the old blog, though.

Probably when I got my copies of series one and two of A Bit of Fry and Laurie.

You know what? I think I'll continue with this thought when I can actually form a thought.

Going now.

Possibly to sleep under the desk.

1 comment:

Sparroweye said...

Well, it is hard to connect that to
his character on "House".

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