Wanna know how I found out?
I don't have a lot to say today (HUGE surprise, I'm sure), but I did want to take a moment to let you know that there is, in fact, such a thing as a stupid question.
I should know. I'm asked enough of them.
I'd love to know who came up with that whole no such thing as a stupid question idea, because I'd very happily reward him with a boot to the groin. All that phrase does is give people the excuse to not think before they open their mouths. It's also permission for laziness, if you ask me. Why bother to put effort into finding out things on your own when you can just ask a stupid question instead and make someone else work for you?
I know. Bitter much, Dee?
The fact is, I have no problem with questions if someone's honestly attempted to figure things out already. If I can clarify something or help cut down on wasted time by answering your question, ask away. Just don't expect me to be thrilled if I'm obviously putting up with stupid for stupid's sake, that's all.
I'm so very much in the wrong job. Here I am being annoyed about stupid questions, and there hasn't actually even been one today. Yet. Yes, folks, anticipation of stupidity is making me cranky.
That, and the sore spots on my face and neck from that damned wasp.
Ah well. I'd best go take my cranky self and go feed the snakes.
1 comment:
You're lucky. I was changing the sugar water in the hummingbird feeder one time and a wasp got me right under my eye. Man, did that hurt and did I look funny for a week.
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