I also hate being bitten by a mosquito while in the bathroom. There's something unfairly defenceless about the whole thing.
I do like this photo, though.
You know, sometimes sitting down and starting to type will remind me of what my topic was supposed to be, but I can already tell that it's not going to work today. Am I allowed to blame that whole Sunday-as-Friday thing again, or was that only good for last week?
Going now.
Just like sometimes sitting on the commode will make me remember something I forgot. I hate mosquitoes but they are easier to trap in the bathroom. I hate when I have the best poetry lines but by the time I get home they are gone. They come when I'm on the highway driving.
Go figure. I guess its the only time the muse can get through. I have a busy mind. I need an exotic trip somewhere.
Have you heard of cocoon swapping.
I thought not.
And a friend on Flickr post some pretty funny commentary on spider shots. http://www.flickr.com/photos/59732795@N00/572325792/in/set-72157600682068851/
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