Combine a very hot apartment with a two-hour thunderstorm/downpour and you get ALMOST NO SLEEP. I'm headed down the Road to Useless in a big hurry, folks, and I'm actually thinking of going home for the rest of the day.
I have the overtime. I'm allowed.
Anyway. Remember that thing I said a few days ago about wolf spiders carrying their egg sacs? Well, today's pointless photo is of a thin-legged wolf spider I saw out in the sanctuary this morning. Get a load of that egg sac. Imagine hauling that thing around with you everywhere you go.
Kind of neat.
And that's all I've got for today. I hope you enjoyed it, because I likely won't even be able to recall it in an hour or two.
Speaking of spiders, Erin saw a fat black spider with white stripes, do you know what kind of spider that would be?
Maybe it was a zebra rather than a spider...
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