I mean, seriously. Do I really have to hold your collective hand, people?
Ok, fine. New episode TOMORROW. Tuesday, that is. No excuses.
I came in to work today after a week off because of the COLD. Did I mention the COLD? Well, it was COLD.
The problem is that I've physically made it to the building but it seems that my brain didn't come along. Or maybe it did, but not in a way I would have preferred it to. You see, I went to bed at a decent time last night after informing my brain that, as long as it was warm enough for me to start the car without being in actual physical pain from going outside (Note: in reality it turned into a "just barely" this morning), I was planning to make it to work today. My brain apparently took this to mean HOORAY! WE'RE STAYING UP ALLLLL NIGHT!!!
Stupid brain, anyway. Who'd have one?
So, after sitting around for a while playing with the sudoku machine that Santa gave me (or was that Satan? It keeps me entertained when I can't sleep, but sometimes I wonder if I wouldn't have more chance of being asleep if I wasn't entertained), I did manage to get a few hours of snooze in.
Not enough to make for a working brain, I guess, but it's a start.
Now if I could only figure out a way to make my non-working brain start the work that I'm meant to be doing at the moment, things would be fiiine.
It ain't gonna happen -- at least not today -- but getting to the building is a start. Tomorrow, perhaps, I'll manage to work my way up to functional.
Or at least semi-functional.
And before I leave off, I just wanted to say that no furniture has been harmed by any of my body parts yet today, or vice versa. The day is still young, I know, but at least there's a little bit of hope.
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