Friday 1 February 2008

The photo that might have been

This would have been a lovely picture of a male Cardinal alighting - you know, had the lens been able to figure out it should focus on the bird rather than the snow on the screen and window through which this was shot.

The weather channel got it right, as you can see.

I guess some *cough*Alberta*office* would toss snowballs in my direction but it IS pretty out there today.

Why she would throw things at me, of course, may be due to the fact it is still minus 27 where she lives, works and plays. I'm guessing the fact that Alberta has been in a deep deep-freeze for daaaaays can make a person a tad cranky. I can say without hesitation that the lack of sunlight is doing a fair job on yours truly also.

But ... there are still the birds to watch, the dogs to play with as they lose their minds in snow drifts, playing hard enough that even the coldest of the cold crack a smile.

Good grief. I must be aging. Isn't finding an up side to all things a sign of getting older? Shut up. I did not say "old".

Now where did I leave the zimmer ....

1 comment:

Sparroweye said...

I think we either go in the opposite direction as we age or are bad habits get worse. I used to be this constant bubbling idiot of happiness. It made my daughter want to barf. Now if I get a hang nail, the world is ending.

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