This spider was dangling from the kitchen ceiling when I came in from taking pictures in the yard yesterday (and no, you won't be seeing a lot of those. I deleted most of them. Have I mentioned that winter is boring?). I grabbed its tether line to have a better look at it, but it managed to skitter under one of the entryway steps before I could get the camera out. That's why you're stuck with this awkward image -- it was being uncooperative.
I'd expect that it's nothing but some form of House Spider and not terribly interesting to anything but another House Spider, but at least it's alive.
I'm tired of taking photos of dead things.
Actually, I had a pretty lousy night (no reason -- just mind weirdness) so I'm tired generally at the moment.
I have to admit that it's been a while since I've had one of those let's not sleep nights, so I'm not going to get all whingey about it.
Well, don't give me too much credit. I'm thinking that I just don't have the brain power or energy to be creatively whingey.
Not that it's stopped me before, of course.
I currently have E! network playing in the background, mostly because I was curious as to how they were going to fill the hours of LIVE! coverage they've got scheduled before the Oscars. Does anyone besides me think that maybe it's a teeny bit of overkill to start your coverage for an evening event at ten in the morning?
Me, I'll be paying more attention a little bit later. Not because I've seen any of the movies (seems to me I haven't seen a movie in an actual theatre since at least last century), but because I can't resist the pull of expensively dressed celebrities who still manage to look like two-dollar hookers.
It takes such talent to be able to do that.
Ah, pay-off to early coverage. One host spotted looking like hell. Expensively, of course. And she's sooo proud of it, to boot.
Erm... anyway.
Will I be watching the actual awards ceremony? Oh, I'll probably have it on. Will it mean anything to me? See above re: the last time I saw a first-run movie. The Academy Awards are a little too stuffy for me to enjoy in the same way that I enjoy the Golden Globes, anyway. Not enough booze involved, I think.
I've decided that the enjoyability factor of an awards show is directly proportional to the amount of alcohol visible on the tables. Case in point? Dad and I were watching the Independent Spirit Awards last night. What a fantastic mix of pat-on-the-back and wtf?!. And it'll be a very interesting juxtaposition with tonight's let's-take-ourselves-too-seriously-fest.
All right, I'm getting rambly here. Watch this space for tomorrow's red carpet snark-off (assuming I manage to keep myself awake that long. Do you suppose I can make it until four?).
I'm sure everyone's looking forward to that. Right?
Oh, whatever.
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