I assume this one got snagged by the dog's leash or something, because it was sitting all alone in a snowdrift for no apparent reason.
I don't pose my shots, you know. Not often, anyway.
I recently had a major change in my life, and I'm not sure yet how I'm going to deal with it. It's going to affect things every single day. It'll affect my shopping habits, my eating habits... probably some other habits I just haven't thought of yet.
They delivered my new fridge last Friday.
Or at least I think that's when they delivered it. I wasn't there over the weekend, but when I got in on Sunday there it was. A new fridge.
With an actual freezer compartment.
Some of you by now are waiting for the point. Others have read the blog title and realise that there probably won't be a point and that I'm just going to ramble on until I run out of blather. If that's what you're thinking, congratulations for catching on.
This is the first time in my adult life that I've had a frost-free refrigerator, believe it or not. I've always lived in apartments (except for that one year in Res that I've tried to block out), and those apartments have always had the stereotypical crappy apartment fridge. Rattling motor, iffy controls, and that teeny little freezer compartment that never actually manages to freeze anything properly except for the ice build-up that has to be gotten rid of periodically.
Well, the manager of my current place was doing an inspection a while ago and she noticed that I still had the apartment's original fridge. The apartment building, bear in mind, was built in the 70s (and I have the ugly gold carpet to prove it). She made an offhand comment about checking out a new fridge, and a couple of days later a workman showed up to take the measurements.
We won't talk about the fact that I was in my pyjamas at the time. Or about the fact that just when I thought I could relax -- pyjamas and all -- some other workmen came to install the new window blinds the manager had requested. It was an interesting afternoon.
A couple of weeks went by after that, and just when I thought the whole thing was a cruel joke the new fridge really did materialise. And now I have to live with it.
I don't think you can understand what a big change this is. I'm not kidding. Not only do I not have to defrost every few weeks, I have a freezer compartment that actually freezes. I've never had that before. I've always had to be careful of what frozen or freezable foods I've bought, because those old manual fridges can't often be trusted to keep things as frozen as you'd prefer them to be. And I have space now.
I could stock up on things.
I could make ice cubes.
I could buy ice cream. More than a half-pint at a time, even.
I won't have to choose between buying peas or corn. I can have BOTH if I want to.
I think I'm getting a little light-headed.
It's all going to take a bit of getting used to, to be honest. Those of you who've never been freezerless (or freezer-light, I suppose) don't know how odd it seems to realise that I can suddenly buy things that I'm not planning to use right away.
Very weird.
Kind of like the blog. I think I'd better stop typing now.
And maybe swing by the store...
1 comment:
Oh m'gawd. I'd hate to be your brain as you stand in the frozen food aisles trying to make decisions, now that so many more choices are open to you. Frightening. Amusing vision, yet frightening.
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