I've been catching up on a week's worth of internet crap (and am thankful I won't be able to access my work e-mail until tomorrow), and it hasn't left me much for bloggable thoughts.
It also hasn't left me much desire to get an internet hook-up at home. Seriously. A week's worth of being away from the computer, and it seems that I didn't miss much of anything except a regular reliable weather report.
Incidentally, the weather network may say it's Canada's most reliable source for the weather, but in our area at least it mostly seems to be Canada's most reliable source for fiction.
It's interesting that, when it's available to me, I can spend hours at a time on the 'net... but if I have to be away I don't really notice any DTs as a result.
Guess I'm not an addict after all.
Oh, but I missed my two fans, of course. Desperately.
Anyone out there buying the last bit?
Ok, so I do miss the blatherage outlet somewhat, but really? Given the choice between the daily blather and a really good book, I'd probably still choose the book.
Old habits die hard, as they say.
See you tomorrow (speaking of old habits...).
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