I'll try to keep this short, which of course means that I won't. Didn't have a great night again, and at the moment head-hitting-desk is sounding very appealing to me. Naturally, given the current no-brain condition, I have a meeting to go to this afternoon. I'm going to do my best to sit quietly in the corner and not say anything. Maybe we can all pretend I'm not really there.
Actually, you couldn't prove it by me that I'm really here anyway.
So. The Oscars. Or the red carpet, rather. Not too much to say here besides thanks for the BOREDOM, ladies. Boring, boring, boring, predictable, and... erm... Tilda Swinton in a garbage bag. But even then, it was so Tilda Swinton that I don't really feel like commenting.
I suppose I should say something about Mrs. Daniel Day-Lewis and her interesting apparel, but I'm not really into trashing the significant others of the people who are the real ones in the spotlight. It was something, though.
As for the men... THANK YOU SO MUCH for all the bow ties. We can talk about my thing for men in nice suits another time (lord knows I haven't been teased about it for at least a couple of weeks), but just know that the last few years' trend to wearing long ties with tuxes has bugged the snot out of me. Say what you will about the stupidity of ties in the first place (my father has many thoughts on that topic), but as part of the well-put-together evening costume they're pretty essential. And dammit, it should never be a straight tie with evening dress. Wear a bow tie, wear an ascot, wear a freaking cravat if bow ties are too mainstream for you, but don't -- just don't -- wear a boring long tie. It makes a man look like he's got dressed in a very shiny suit just to go to the office, in my opinion.
Yeah, I liked the return of the bow tie very much.
I think that's all I've got. No comments on the actual show or the winners or anything, because as I said yesterday I haven't seen any of the movies. Ask me a few years from now when I can get them on DVD from the bargain bin at Wally World. That's the way I watch movies.
Hey, it works for me.
And since it's my post, that ought to be good enough.
1 comment:
Wow, you sound fit to be tied. Bow-tied, one might say... one would, I'm not sure two would, but one certainly would.
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