Friday, 22 February 2008

For all you digital photographers out there ....

.... you may consider this a template to calibrate the white balance on your camera.

You may consider it that. I consider it a nuisance as it's all we are currently seeing in my little corner of the world. That's right, folks. The snow-banks are still that high that when one (especially this one who is five foot one and three-quarters thank-you-very-much) walks down any street and looks left or right this is the sum total of the landscape.

And guess what. Yes. It's snowing.

On the upside - because one must always look for the upside (or kill something in the midst of a winter like this) the dogs are happy as pigs .... no, no ... happy as dogs in snow.

This is where I stop typing so I won't discuss that there is more danger trying to walk in a park with three-foot snow drifts which hide a solid two-inch layer of ice than there is danger in some foreign countries. Well there is ... it's my back in question you know.

So, yeh. Stop typing already.

Okay, I think I will.

And then I'll sit back and admire all the italics used in this post. Next time, maybe I'll learn another trick. I am trainable, it appears.

1 comment:

deeol said...

If you're really good I'll teach you how to cross out your curse words.

Oh right, it's me that has that annoying habit. You probably didn't want to pick it up.

Hey... was I a little too blunt about not wanting to blog yesterday?

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